1963 - 1987 Osnabrück
1987 - 2017 Madrid
2017 - 2018 Granada
2018 - 2019 Almería

Since the end of 2019 and for reasons that have to do with the development of world events, on the largest of the balearic islands, in order to live, that is to say to grow as a human being, in an artistic way, that is to say to turn living into an artistic discipline. On the sidelines. On the beach.
(Lamemuma ;) )

Plato said that God first dreamed the Universe and that it then took shape; and that we, in order to shape things, need to reach our own archetype or logos, our own world of the intelligible. From this point of view, the miraculous or
extraordinary is limited by our own possibility of grasping it.
Juttanova 2017


Collective Exhibitions

2016 SANfest Guerrilla Gallery (Comisario: Raúl Cassasola) Córcoles; Guadalajara

2015 Enjoy art! #Photography (Comisaria: Adriana Berges) Madrid


Single Exhibitions

2021  "Set Anys més tard" Fundació Biblioteca d'Alcudia (Mayorca)

2017  "Contemplation" One Shot Hotel Prado (Madrid)

2016  “No corras contemporáneo, contempla” LaCaña (Madrid)

   “¿Qué es volar?” Bufalino (Madrid)

2015 “Contemplation” Café Paris Avenue (Madrid) (mediado por

   “2015 Année Érotique” Bufalino (Madrid)

   “¡No corras contemporáneo, contempla!” Metro Bistro (Madrid)

2014 “¡No corras contemporáneo, contempla!” Hotel Eurostars Monumental (Barcelona)

   “TUDO BELEZA means everything is alright” Taberna El Fin del Mundo (Madrid)

   “Un Pájaro nacido en una Jaula cree que volar es una Enfermedad”
   Espacio Labruc (Madrid)

2013 “Fin du Siécle” La Jauría (Madrid)

   “Tudo Beleza” Hotel Eurostars (Toledo)

   “Fin du Siécle” Centro Cultural “El Cerro” del Ayuntamiento de Coslada (Madrid)

   “Live and let Die” Caffé - Club de Fumadores (Madrid)

   Bazar, tienda de muebles y decoración, Calle Castelló (Madrid)

2012 “Life could be a Dream” Bahiana Club (Madrid)

   “Tudo Beleza” Sala de Exposiciones del Ayuntamiento de Madrid
   Mejía Lequerica (Madrid)

2011 “Tudo Beleza” Colectivo La Latina (Madrid)

   “Homenaje a mi Hermano” Restaurante Via Appia (Madrid)

All that I will be, I already am

...The Australian Aboriginal ethnic group "The True People" believes that all people possess a variety of talents. They try their hand at being musicians, healers, cooks, storytellers and many other things throughout their lives, always giving themselves the appropriate new names and titles....

Juttanova has inhabited this planet in female form since 1963.

Life is a challenge for her, which she was not quite up to at first. How could she? To live is to learn, and to learn is to learn to live. When she was little, she was said to be a stand-up girl, because she wanted to walk early but constantly fell down, but always helped herself up again with a beaming smile. Many years were to pass like this, learning to live, falling down, picking herself up and smiling. It was not always easy and the smile disappeared for a while. It was very difficult at times, but for whom not.

2011 was a year of many events; the death of her brother, her own illness and the first conscious processing of the most traumatic parts of her life, expressed through art, art as a lifesaver, and last but not least the public discovery of her photographic talents and the first exhibition of her works.

The processing of her personal traumatic experiences had culminated in a video work, to which she gave the title "Te Doy Mis Hijos". Title as well as the accompanying text were in Spanish, because Juttanova was and had been for some time comfortable in this culture that had taken her under its wing. The city of Madrid had become her substitute home; (Madrid/madre/mother). Translated "Te Doy Mis Hijos" means I give you my children. This title was inspired by a very impressive spanish film about gender violence, which reflected parts of her own experiences and was called "Te Doy Mis Ojos" which means I give you my eyes. Now the reader should put one and one together, because this topic will not be discussed further here. Yesterday's snow, which has long since thawed and in the meantime has caused many little flowers to grow.

Juttanova starts this new webpage in the year 2021, a not quite ordinary year. The name Juttanova is also new. The motto is, my career as a person, and indeed of a person who tries to master life artistically and so it includes not only photography, but also personal experiences and other talents or forms of expression that she has developed during the years on this planet.

Writing as well as singing and speaking are other facets of Juttanova. The wider the spectrum the better. Because Juttanova cannot be put into small pigeonholes. Juttanova is at home everywhere in many disciplines, languages and countries.

But now let's go back to 2011, the decisive year, the year in which the public first became aware of her, and back to photography.

2011 saw the first public exhibition of her photographic works. The title at that time, like all the following ones, was autobiographical: "Homenaje A Mi Hermano", which means homage to my brother. After that came more exhibitions, each reflecting in a certain way important steps of her own evolution with titles like "Tudo Beleza" 2011 portuguese for everything is fine or everything is beautiful, "Life Could Be A Dream" 2012, "Live And Let Die" 2013, "Fin Du Siècle" 2013 french for end of the century, “Un Pájaro Nacido En Una Jaula Cree Que Volar Es Una Enfermedad” 2014 spanish for a bird, born in a cage believes that to fly is an illness "No Corras Contemporáneo, Contempla" 2014 meaning don't race contemporary, stop and contemplate, "2015-Année Érotique" 2015 was an erotic year and "Qué Es Volar" 2016 spanish for what is flying.

In 2014 she starts as a voice-over artist and since then she lends her voice to advertising, businesses and museums. This was very unprobable for a long time, because she had been much too scared, shy and insecure and talking was hell for her for quite a time, she would stutter, stammer and utter mostly unintelligible mumblings at a frantic pace.

In 2015, however, she already had enough courage and self-confidence to successfully introduce herself as a mezzo-soprano in a Madrid gospel choir. Singing and music was something she had dreamed of since she was a child. She was eleven when her uncle had given her a piano. Today, she rewrites song lyrics, sings in many different languages, and is growing tremendously as a soloist.

Her writing talent has developed almost inevitably during the blows of fate she suffered. And one does not only grow older but also, if things go well, wiser with time, doesn't one? Juttanova in any way accepts almost every challenge, loves to laugh and doesn't fall down so often anymore. Her life is not anymore dull and serious and she always comes up with something. Maybe we still have to hear, see and read a lot from her, as from many a (naughty) boy or girl. In any case, one can be expectant.

(written right after chosing the new name, the corresponding logo and this new webpage)